We are Sterling Supergroup

Knowledgeable - Influential - Co-operative - Responsive - Strong - Proud of our relationships

We are a Group that prides itself on being knowledgeable and influential. Our cooperative and responsive nature ensures that we build strong relationships, and we take great pride in these connections, which are the foundation of our success

What we do at Sterling Supergroup

Sterling Supergroup pioneered development of the UK foodservice industry and we have continued to expand with
the market.

We are known for our extensive range of quality products and our exceptional customer service.

The secret of our continued strength and success is partly due to our belief in strength through co-operation and our deep respect for trading relationships: these principles have helped us overcome the challenges presented by the changing dynamics of the global economy, to emerge stronger than before.

Our collaborative thinking and consolidated operations have undoubtedly given us market advantage.

Sterling Supergroup
Flagship Partners

Click on the logos below to discover more about our Flagship Partners.

Contact Us

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